
Many times, ideas need to be larger than a computer screen or a letter sized piece of paper. Going big has it’s own set of challenges. Indoor, outdoor, weather, distance, viewer angles, and materials used can make a big difference.

Carnegie Library-southwall

Carnegie Library-northwall
Carnegie Library 100 year exhibit. Panel colors compliment the furnishings and wood. Special care had to be taken for the historical building’s curved walls. Client: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records


Informational sign for a water harvesting project at a local school. 4′ x 3′ metal sign installed on exterior wall.
AzLA_Booth panels_DAZL
DAZL (Digital Arizona Library) 10′ x 12′ booth exhibit. Client: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
2′ x 3′ sign showing neighborhood walking path for Crockett School. Client: Helping Phoenix Neighborhoods